Tuesday, December 1, 2015


December 1st >>>Isaiah 53:3-6

Everything God created was good. Adam and Eve were the only two people to walk with God. He had given them everything they needed and so much more, except one thing. Suddenly, the one thing made everything else not enough. The fruit from the tree of knowledge and evil was enticing. Eve saw it was good for food, it was a delight to the eyes and it would make one wise (Genesis 3:6). The serpent was crafty and twisted the words God spoke causing Eve to doubt. Eve made a choice. She surrendered to the temptation of the flesh.  She took of the fruit and tasted it. At first it satisfied all of her senses.  But then, unexpectedly, she experienced what she had not felt before: exposed, embarrassed, ashamed, deceived, and broken.  Sin. The fate of the world was sealed. Her choice set in motion a plan for God to restore what was broken and save what was lost. Redemption was on the way. Jesus. The Word became flesh (John 1:1). He humbled Himself to dwell among His people. He was despised and rejected, bearing the weight of our sorrow and grief, pierced for our rebellion and crushed for our transgressions. He was beaten so we can be whole and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:3-6).

Surrendering is a choice. Jesus surrendered. He chose the Cross for us. He surrendered to death so we can have life. As children of God, we no longer live under condemnation, shame and guilt (Romans 8:1). When God looks at us He doesn't see our sin, faults, flaws and mistakes. He sees Jesus. We too have a choice to surrender. To either satisfy the desires of our flesh or to live in obedience to God who loves us and desires fellowship with us.  Sin separates us from God. It gets in the way of our access to His presence. God desires intimacy with us. What do you need to put aside so you can fully surrender to God? Sin? Shame? Doubt? Comparison? Perfection? Guilt? We have all, at some point, gone astray from God and turned to our own way. We are all prodigal sons or daughters. I pray you feel God's love today, His perfect redeeming love. Heaven heals and Jesus saves. Come to Him just as you are. There's nothing He can't forgive. No sin too big. No pit too deep. No wound He can't heal. Nothing He can't redeem. He hasn't forgotten you. In fact, He is calling you to Himself to turn from sin and receive His forgiveness and experience His grace.

Lord, You are more than enough. You are all we need. Give us eyes to see the things that weigh us down, distract us from experiencing your presence and the sin that easily entangles us (Hebrews 12:1). We want to be fully surrendered to you. We give it all to you, Jesus. We set it all aside so we can experience authentic transparency and intimacy with You. Help us to rightly focus our hearts and minds on You and you Alone. Amen.

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