Friday, August 28, 2015

celebrating dads & a new school year

The first week of school is officially over! My heart has been especially tender for the mamas, who like myself, have our oldest kiddos starting school for the first time this year. I've been praying so much for the teachers as well as the children in our community. Last week, I shared a little 'homeschool in-service' post and mentioned a few of my favorite resources we'll be using this school year at home. Wild + Free is one of my favorites and the August bundle is all about celebrating dads and their influence on our children's education. 

Our first unit of study focuses on family and our community. Continuing with the theme of honoring dads, I wanted to share a list the kids made about their daddy.  It's always fun to see things from their perspective. "We love our daddy because…"

  • he loves us
  • he built us a playground
  • he gives us baths and vitamins 
  • he has to put his ears on everyday
  • he watches any movie we want to watch 
  • he takes a nap while mommy goes to the store
  • he takes us to the farm and we ride tractors and horses
  • he makes the best cereal ever
  • he works a lot 
  • he has lots of patience (meaning physical therapy patients)
  • he fixes old people and checks their hearts
  • he helps us reach tall things
  • he is very silly
  • he says yes when mommy says no
  • we love his "boogers" (hamburgers)
  • he is very smart because mommy said he went to school for a long, long, long time
  • he makes us laugh 
  • he has hair on his toes 
  • made us a snowman 
  • he takes four baths everyday
  • he laughs funny
  • he kisses mommy a lot
  • he pushes us on the swing 
  • he loves to eat pizza  
  • he kills all the bugs in our house
  • he tell us funny stories 
  • he doesn't like it when we make a mess 
  • he drinks lots of coffee all day long
  • he wrestles with us on the floor when he gets home from work
  • he cuts his own hair
  • he plays Lego's and trains with us
  • he works out of his car
  • he teaches us how to draw animals
  • he sneezes really loud
  • he wears his pajamas to work (aka scrubs)
  • he fixes the toilet when we put too much paper in it
In honor of a new school year I wanted to share my favorite go to recipe. Ten years ago, I was a first year teacher and newlywed all at the same time. In fact, I started teaching the very next week after Will and I got back from our honeymoon. Needless to say, I had little time to spend in the kitchen so I use to make taco soup at least three times a week. Thankfully, my recipe repertoire has expanded a bit since but it's still my favorite go to recipe. I've added a few things here and there and we eat it a variety of different ways, but this is the original recipe. Still today, whenever I make taco soup I think about being newlyweds and a first year teacher, when we had way more free time and a lot more sleep. 

Transitioning from summer into a new school year is exhausting and slightly overwhelming. What's your favorite go to recipe? 

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