Monday, August 24, 2015


My son Noah is my pickiest eater. He loves all things sweet. One evening I was making his favorite meal for dinner. While I was cooking, he kept coming into the kitchen complaining about how hungry he was and begging me for a snack. Of course, I said no. He ran off upset and angry. Later when we sat down for dinner Noah wouldn’t eat. He complained that he wasn’t feeling well. He barley ate anything and seemed uncomfortable and miserable. Before long it was time to start our bedtime routine. After bath Noah told me he was starving. To close to bedtime, I let him snack on a banana and juice. Yet he wanted a meal. Still a mystery to me, I put the kids to bed and started putting the toys away. Behind the couch in our playroom I found a pile of candy wrappers. Suddenly it all made sense. When I wouldn’t give Noah a snack before dinner, he found his way to a secret (obviously not that secret) candy stash and ate starbursts to his little hearts content. So of course, when it was time for dinner he didn’t want to eat. He had stuffed himself with sugary treats filled with empty calories. Not only was he full but also he was miserable. Then, of course, starving just an hour later. That evening I began to think how much I am like Noah with the good things God prepares for me. How much He desires for me to be satisfied in Him alone yet I fill up on all the “junk” of this world. At best the world offers what those starbursts offered Noah, temporary satisfaction keeping us from real nourishment. We’re left feeling empty, unsatisfied and down right miserable. He alone satisfies and offers us all the spiritual nourishment our souls long for. He prepares a feast for us in His Word. It saddens me to think how often I decline the richest of Truth for temporary pleasure, extra sleep, busy schedules, mindless TV, on and on. God promises that those who seek Him will be radiant with joy! And the joy of the Lord is our strength to get us through the day and navigate life. (Ps 34; Neh 8:20). “When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight” (Jer 15:16). Lets choose to go to the banquet Table of Grace and devour the feast He's prepared for each of us today and everyday.

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