Saturday, August 22, 2015

where's the grace

Sometimes it's difficult to see God's grace when things are tough and its one thing after another. Maybe you're like me and the weight of the days demands weigh heavy on your heart before you put your feet to the floor. You can't remember the last time you slept a handful of hours and the exhaustion is too much. Where's the grace?

Maybe transitioning from the slow summer days into full calendars and hectic schedules have you feeling anxious and uncertain. Where's the grace? 

When your to-do list is too long and there's not enough time in the day. It's a tricky balance to meet everyone's needs and also take care of yourself. Where's the grace?

Circumstances are overwhelming and people in your life are hard to love (especially the little ones that call you mama..maybe I'm the only one). Where's the grace?

To top it off you feel like a failure as a mama because your patience is lacking and your speech isn't always kind. Before noon you're already craving a do over. A fresh start. A new beginning and new mercies that come with a new day. Where's the grace? 

It's true that God's mercies come in the morning and He also pours out His grace in the middle of our chaos, restlessness, exhaustion, worry, fear, doubt and especially in the moments when we think, "where's the grace, Lord?" Grace is a gift God wraps like a Christmas present and placed at the foot of His throne. Excited for his children to come to Him and receive the grace we need for that day...hour by hour, moment by moment. But like any gift, it's impossible to enjoy or use it if we never receive it. If our minds could only comprehend the beautiful transformation that happens when we open our hands and hearts to receive His gift of grace. How He delights in turning our weariness into joy and the chaos into blessings. The grace is there but will we receive it? "This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses... So let's come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy and we will find grace to help us when we need it most" (Heb 4:16, NLT). Do you need some grace? I sure do! In fact, I'm desperate for it. I pray we'll go to the throne of Grace and be blessed with everything we need for today. 

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