Friday, August 21, 2015

friendship & pasta, my favorite combination

My friend Amanda is one of those gifts God gives you at just the right time. We met through Community Bible Study and served on the leadership team together. We both have very small children and were equally desperate for adult conversation. So much so, we taught our kids how to have a play date. Seriously. We have six kids between us, the oldest being five, so you can imagine there was less playing and more clinging. Our kids literally hung all over us while we tried to have a decent conversation. We were constantly being interrupted with... "I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, I'm tired, "I need to go to the bathroom (every two minutes), he's not sharing, she hit me"…on and on.  I'm pretty sure neither one of us had any idea what we were ever talking about, but we didn't care. We were thrilled to be talking about something other than dirty diapers, baby spit up and toddler talk for more than twenty minutes. When our kids finally got the hang of playing together, there was less clinging and more talking between friends. Knowing full well that their "quiet playing" was highly suspicious. Thankfully, no one was ever injured but there was a lot of climbing on furniture, our houses littered with every garment of dress up clothing and a Mount Everest size mess of toys and clutter. There was a baby powder explosion and probably toilet water involved at one point. All of which didn't bother us because we got to talk, laugh and enjoy each other's company, if not for a few moments. The mess could wait.

Amanda is the kind of friend who can show up at your house and you don't feel embarrassed that it looks like a hurricane ran through it and you have to move dirty clothes from the couch just to have a place to sit down. We speak the same language, food, movies and a bit of sarcasm. We can laugh at ourselves and our children and don't feel like we have to impress each other. We can just be ourselves which is so refreshing and sometimes rare in friendships. Amanda is thoughtful and compassionate. A friend who brings you meals time and time again, lets you borrow her nursing tops, takes your daughter to dance every Monday, gives up a quiet evening to spend time with you and your crazy kids, and comes to your house to help you load up all your little people just to go to the library together. She's funny and caring, thoughtful and generous. Her husband is a pastor, but as she'll admit herself, doesn't fit the typical "pastor's wife" persona, and that's my favorite thing about her. She has a fierce love for Jesus and His people. The beauty in that is Amanda loves and accepts you just as you are. To me, that's more important than looking the part. She's beautiful inside and out and couldn't have a more precious family. 

Amanda and her family recently moved and our hearts are heavy.  We're excited to see how the Lord will use them in their new community and grateful for the impact they had in ours. If you live in or near Athens, Texas I pray you have the opportunity to meet Amanda. She's a true treasure and you'd be lucky to call her a friend. 

Amanda shares lots of yummy recipes with me. So in honor of my friend who I miss dearly, I'm sharing one of my favorite 'Amanda recipes'. I'm not sure its original source or official name, but I've always lovingly called it "Amanda's Amazing Pasta". It's super simple and delicious. And like Amanda would say, it multiplies in your fridge. Meaning it makes a lot and you can eat it for several days. Very kid friendly and one of my favorite things to make. 

Amanda's Amazing Pasta

1 pound spaghetti, broken in half
16 ounce bottle Italian dressing
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon sesame seeds 
1 tablespoon poppy seed
2 teaspoons seasoned salt
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 medium cucumber, diced
1 medium red onion, diced
2 medium tomatoes , diced
parsley sprigs

Cook spaghetti according to package directions. Drain, rinse with cold water, and drain well. Transfer to a large bowl. In a medium bowl, whisk together Italian dressing, cheese, seeds, seasoned salt, paprika, garlic powder and peppers until well blended. Stir in cucumber and onion.

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