Thursday, August 20, 2015


Eden at 8 weeks old

I remember holding Eden at just eight weeks new and being amazed at her ability to focus. Her sweet baby brown eyes staring back at me. Ever so carefully… gazing, listening, taking me in. I was especially surprised she was able to focus so well with all the distractions in the room. The TV on high volume while her sister was singing, dancing and story telling just inches away. Her brothers rolling around the room like tumbleweed running over everyone and everything in their way making a clear path of destruction. Her daddy sitting beside us trying to have a decent conversation with me. All competing for her attention.  But there she was peacefully and patiently starring at me as if I was the only one in the room. I loved it so much I didn’t want the moment to pass.  It made me think about God’s heart towards us. How He delights when we give Him all our attention despite the distractions that clutter our life. How often do I seek the Lord with the same purpose and focus?  When we accept our Father’s invitation to abide in Him, He gives us peace and we experience His rest (John 15, Matthew 11:28). True rest! I cling to these promises daily because truthfully seeking God is hard. Especially when life is constantly fighting for our attention. Do you crave peace and rest in your life? I sure do! The peace God offers comes from seeking more and more of Him, “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always”(Psalm 105:4 NIV). I love that! Seek His face. Just like Eden who seeks me despite the distractions swirling all around. What distracts you from spending time with God? We face all kinds of different distractions daily. The Lord fills our life with good things yet more often than not they become the very things that distract us from Him. That's our doing and not at all the desire of His heart. For example, my children. They are meant to be a blessing not a burden. God surely didn’t give them to me to distract me from seeking more of Him. But it happens. A lot. I’m living and learning that distractions are not excuses. Many times our distractions are meant to draw us closer to God. God uses my children to teach me so many beautiful Truths.  Thinking back on Eden, I’m left asking myself, Do I gaze upon the Lord with the same focus? Do I stare into the depths of His Word and delight being in His presence? Eden means "delight or pleasure". I love that Eden delights being in my presence. How much more does our Heavenly Father delight when we choose to be in His? Life is busy and it is full, but may we all delight in the Lord today and everyday (Psalm 37:4). Ones things for sure, you will be blessed! 

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