Wednesday, August 19, 2015

grace for today

Todays grace is the sun rising on a new day. New mercies pouring in with the morning sun. As sure as the sun will rise in the morning and set in the evening, He is Able and Compassionate. Our Comforter and Confidence. Eternal and Everlasting. Our Father who is Faithful. Our Fortress and Friend. He's Good and Gracious. Our Guide and Defender. A trustworthy Compass through life and our Counselor. He's our Helper, Healer, and our Hope. He's Holy, King of Glory, and Just. He's Life, Light and Love. Merciful and Mighty. Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. He's Patient and Righteous. Our Rock who Rescues us. He's a Servant and good Shepard. Our Shield and our Strength. Holy and Sovereign. Our Teacher and Truth. Trustworthy and Wise... so very worthy of our worship.

What is your grace for today? 

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