Wednesday, December 9, 2015


“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.”
 (Isaiah 40: 31, NLT)

I love the idea of trusting in the Lord. Trust is a verb that means to look for, hope, to look eagerly and linger for.  Other translations say, those who wait or hope in the Lord. To fully trust someone we have to know the person. I have four young children. My children trust me because they know me. They know I love them so they linger in my presence.  No matter where I am or what I’m doing they are with me. In fact, because they are so little I cannot wander too far from them. When I’m in the kitchen cooking they are underneath my feet. When I sit down they are beside me, on top of me, and all around me. In fact, I can barley leave the room before one or more are calling my name. They depend on me to provide everything they need. They know I’ll do anything to protect them. All they have to do is call on me. What a beautiful picture of what God desires of us, His beloved children. To rest in the assurance of His love. To be confident in the promises of God’s Word that He is always with us (Ps 118:6), He is always for us (Romans 8:31), He will never abandon or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). All we have to do is call on Him.

When I became a Christian I had an understanding that I needed God. I knew I needed a Saviorsacrificial Lamb to pay a debt I could not pay on my own.  I also knew that to live the way God instructs me to live in His Word, I couldn’t do that apart from a Holy God. But as I spent time getting to know God my need turned into a desire for more and more of Him. Do I still need God? Absolutely! I need Him every moment of every day. But I also want to know Him. I want to linger in His presence. He alone is my living hope, my Helper, and my peace (1 Peter 1:3, Psalm 54:4, Hebrews 13:6, Psalm 46:1 & Micah 5:5). Knowing God is so important because it’s only by knowing Him that we can we fully trust Him. Trust that He loves us and that our life has purpose and His plan is good.

In v27, God’s chosen people were rebuked because they did not rest on the providence of God, but thought that He had forsaken them in their troubles. It’s easy to allow our circumstances to take our focus off of God and put it on ourselves. Do we acknowledge God’s activity in our life? Are we thankful for how God is continually working on our behalf? Do we see His promises fulfilled and thank Him for His faithfulness? Remembering is a powerful tool. It fans the flame of our faith. When we focus on His promises, His faithfulness to us on our journey, and most of all, what He did for us on the Cross… then something really beautiful happens, we exchange pity for power. Power, through the Holy Spirit, to do life and persevere. Not to survive but to thrive. It doesn’t matter where you are in life; whether you’re walking, running or soaring…God is with you. What hope and peace we gain by knowing that no matter what mountain we face or circumstances that come our way He is with us! Renewing our strength along the way. Knowing God means He becomes our strength and shield. We can trust Him with all our hearts. He will help us and our hearts will be filled with joy… “(Psalm 28:7).

God, thank you for loving us. Help us to see Your activity in our life and let our response be praise and thanksgiving. Meet us where we are and give us the strength we need today. Thank you that Your way is best. Help us to trust you completely and lean not on our own understand (Proverbs3: 5) Fill us up to overflowing with your joy and may our love for you be contagious to all those who know us. Amen.

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